Progress (Part 2)

Expectations and deadlines:

I will start this devlog with the expectations I have for the completeness of the game before the deadline of the Improve My Game Jam. To state, I am not very hopeful on my situation with the soundtrack playing issue (This bug may come in an update so expect this). I also desire to get a secret area made, even though with how the process has been a bit slow and I am still learning unity as well as being in high school. To wrap up this bullet point, even though this is an improved version there will be some bugs here or there that I'll most likely have to deal with  later... so don't get hyped if you actually like the "Demo" (I say that in quotes because of how I had to abandon this for a while).

Things created up to this point:

I will get down to the point, not very much has been completed in the timespan since the last devlog. I have finished making the whole first zone and a level of the second zone (Most likely these two zones will be the game at the moment) and I have recreated the false platform and disappear after 1 jump platform I had implemented before. I will say, I have implemented a "learning curve" as only a few objects will be added per zone and you'll be warned of the new platforms between zones.

Known bugs and errors:

1: The music will restart when killed and not carry on between zones. A fix was made but said fix made the music unable to be changed between zones and turned off in "checkpoints"

2: A scene that doesn't exist the scene order keeps showing up and I cannot fix this. Some code I did that I cannot pinpoint makes the game unable to run without it's existence somewhere within the game's files.

3: The title's text blurs. This is due to the stretching of the text object and I'll most likely have to import an image to replace said text.

This concludes the devlog for now. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions then please leave them in the comments of this log!

-HT (3 logs out of any silly characterizations)

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